A WELL-KNOWN scrote in the village has been banged up for two-years after trying to blackmail a woman he secretly photographed while she was engaged in a sex act.

25-year-old Mark Linnemoller, of Kingsland, admitted threatening to spread the pictures around the village unless gave him £2,000.

His victim, who can’t be named for legal reasons, found poorly written letters on her doorstep and was sent demanding text messages.

The woman went to meet the hapless blackmailer in a pub car park as arranged but he failed to show.

Instead he sent more texts and the police, unsurprisingly, tracked him down via the mobile which belonged to his mum.

Linnemoller admitted blackmailing the woman but insisted he did not realise how serious the crime was.

Ipswich Crown Court heard the letters he sent had the message ‘naughty, naughty’ and telling her he had photos of her committing a sex act of a ‘very young man’ and he wanted £2k.

In mitigation Paul Forshaw, defending, said Linnemoller was ashamed of his behaviour and had pleaded guilty at his first hearing last month.

It has been reported that in sentencing, His Honour Judge John Devaux said: “This is not one of those cases where the defendant has a genuine sense of grievance, where perhaps the victim has misbehaved towards the defendant in the past.

“Nor is this a case of the victim owing money, nor are you (Linnemoller) a man of hitherto good character.

“It’s an aggravating factor that the demand was repeated - you sent texts and a further blackmail letter.”

The judge gave Linnemoller credit for his early guilty plea and reduced the sentence from three years in custody to two.

Linnemoller is no stranger to prison after previously being convicted of committing a burglary while the family were at the home-owner’s funeral and stealing a charity box.