Derek Davis Freelance Journalist

An Affair With a Twist

July 9, 2011

Affairs are common place the world over and in my little village it is no different.
However, this little tale of bed-hopping goes a wee bit further in terms of OMG and laugh out loud moments.
I got to know M and his wife B when we lived next to them. The previous owner of the house we bought warned us B was a little strange, well mad as a March Hare actually, and could be over-bearing. Husband M was as normal as an Queen and Satus Quo fan could be and was something of a motorhead but a genuine good guy.
They have two children and it was through them that B got involved in the local school, first the nursery and later the primary and had a very close pal we shall call M2 who was also on the parish council and got involved in everything in the village, secretary, newsletter, all sorts.
Well, at some point M got on the parish council too, you think you know where this is going don't you?. Well you are almost right. They had got close over the minutes, while M2 continued to be B's best mate.
During the 'any other questions' section at a parish council meeting in the village hall one otherwise mundance night, B's husband raised his hand and asked: "When is the member councillor going to tell the committee that he is shagging the secretary - my wife?" Or words to that effect.
As you can imagine there was much jaw-dropping and shaking of heads while the digestives were left uneaten.
M denied there was anything going on and remained with B for another year before suddenly announcing he was leaving B, the two kids, cats, dogs and rest of menagerie, to live above the post office with M2.
B did not take this well collapsing on the drive of the school one day, telling all and sundry how she had been betrayed by hubby and best pal - a woman scorned indeed.
I saw M and M2 walking along the sea wall, hand in hand, a few days ago and they appeared as happy and love sick as a pair of 40 somethings can be in public.
But it doesn't end there. Hubby of M2 took up with another girl for solace but it now turns out that said girlfriend, I'll call her E, swings both ways and has embarked on an affair, sordid or otherwise, with the much-maligned B.
Whatever next? Not sure but will let you know.


Transparency and all that opaqueness

July 1, 2011

Marcus Evans may be many things, some say he is involved in (or has been at some stage) as a gun-runner, corrupt businessman and money-launderer, but I would never say such a thing until some of those disgruntled ex-employees grow some and actually put the evidence in the public domain.
The much-loved (by those in his pay) Ipswich Town owner is usually described in the national press, well Charlie Sale mainly, as the biggest ticket tout in the world, while the sickeningly obsequious local pres...

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Starting afresh

June 30, 2011

Connor Wickham has signed for Sunderland and good luck to him. It is a daunting enough challenge for anyone to take a major step in your career, for an 18-year-old it is all the more challenging, while incredibly exciting at the same time.
I remember joining my first ship after completing my training, I too was 18, and a month later I found myself at war. OK it was only the Cod War and apart from throwing a few spuds at the Icelandic gun boats that buzzed our warship (HMS Falmouth for those wh...

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All-round journalist with a penchant for sport and for speaking my mind.

Derek Davis People say you can't teach an old sea dog new tricks, well I could prove a few wrong. After nine and a bit years working at the East Anglian Daily Times mainly as their Chief Football Writer covering Ipswich Town I'm now trying out life as a freelancer. Obviously after so long writing about sport, including the joys of petanque, but also a bit of boxing, some rugby and athletics, I will carry on in that vein and I have already done work for the Sunday Times, Independent on Sunday, various national dailies including The Times, Star and Express, as well as FanhouseUK website. But I'm looking to expand with work in other areas, especially features on a variety of issues, business and finance matters and travel. I also have other ideas using this website, which I'm developing on a daily (well almost) basis. I have also worked for the Stoke Sentinel where I had a year covering Port Vale, more interesting than it sounds. Before that I was at the Colchester Evening Gazette where I had a brilliant time working with some terrific people in a great place to cut my teeth in journalism before 'specialising' in sport. I trained at Highbury College, Portsmouth where I won the coveted, well it was by me, James Arlott Memorial Trophy for Outstanding Journalism Student award. I know Portsmouth well as I was also there during my days in the Royal Navy and when I came back from working in the Middle East as a crash rescue fireman. Just so you don't get confused with the picture, I'm the one in the middle picking up my second EDF Energy Sports Journalist of the Year award. The guy on the right is Olympic swimmer Mark Foster if you thought he looked familiar. The love of my life is my seven-year-old son Albie and he is a total joy.

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