Derek Davis Freelance Journalist

Showing category "Ipswich Town" (Show all posts)

Standing Up For Respect and Decency

Posted by Derek Davis on Sunday, August 14, 2011, In : Ipswich Town 

 “What I know most surely about morality and the duty of man - I owe to football.”
                                                                                                                                              Albert Camus

HOW heartening it was to see so many people make a stand against the rioters and looters this week.

Everyday folk appalled by the scenes on our television, and for some in their homes, businesses or neighbourhoods, reacted in a variety of ways from hel...

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Farewell To A Legend

Posted by Derek Davis on Sunday, July 31, 2011, In : Ipswich Town 

OK, legend maybe over-egging it somewhat, and farewell is not totally accurate, but outgoing Ipswich Town communications director Terry Baxter (in the middle of the motley crew above right) will appreciate the irony of the headline.

The green-fingered, media-mogul wannabe, popped into the Portman Road media centre before Town's pre-seaon loss to Wolves to bid farewell to his old mates in the Press pack and their hangers-on, before embarking on a not-so-new career.  

He will know that ...

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Lee Bowyer - Devil Incarnate or Ipswich Saviour?

Posted by Derek Davis on Sunday, July 10, 2011, In : Ipswich Town 

Say what you want about Lee Bowyer, and many people say many things about him good and bad, this battling midfielder does what it says on the tin. He can dominate in midfield, he is a ball-winner who plays his heart out closing down the opposition, scraps for every ball, can pick a pass – oh and he can score goals from outside the box on a pretty regular basis.

So why then are many Ipswich fans unhappy, nay disgusted even, at the prospect of Bowyer signing for their club – probably this ...

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All-round journalist with a penchant for sport and for speaking my mind.

Derek Davis People say you can't teach an old sea dog new tricks, well I could prove a few wrong. After nine and a bit years working at the East Anglian Daily Times mainly as their Chief Football Writer covering Ipswich Town I'm now trying out life as a freelancer. Obviously after so long writing about sport, including the joys of petanque, but also a bit of boxing, some rugby and athletics, I will carry on in that vein and I have already done work for the Sunday Times, Independent on Sunday, various national dailies including The Times, Star and Express, as well as FanhouseUK website. But I'm looking to expand with work in other areas, especially features on a variety of issues, business and finance matters and travel. I also have other ideas using this website, which I'm developing on a daily (well almost) basis. I have also worked for the Stoke Sentinel where I had a year covering Port Vale, more interesting than it sounds. Before that I was at the Colchester Evening Gazette where I had a brilliant time working with some terrific people in a great place to cut my teeth in journalism before 'specialising' in sport. I trained at Highbury College, Portsmouth where I won the coveted, well it was by me, James Arlott Memorial Trophy for Outstanding Journalism Student award. I know Portsmouth well as I was also there during my days in the Royal Navy and when I came back from working in the Middle East as a crash rescue fireman. Just so you don't get confused with the picture, I'm the one in the middle picking up my second EDF Energy Sports Journalist of the Year award. The guy on the right is Olympic swimmer Mark Foster if you thought he looked familiar. The love of my life is my seven-year-old son Albie and he is a total joy.

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